Blogging can be a great paid hobby if you can develop good engagement or it can be a useful addition to your website, helping sales by engaging with your customers, or both. If you are using it to help sales it might be a good idea to relate your content to your products, services or other information relating to your business. If it’s a standalone blog this may give your more scope to write about other subjects. Yes, it can seem daunting penning your thoughts and opinions, but remember that they are just that.
Long story short I have always been interested in writing and have always written. I’m not going to tell you what topics you should write about I don’t know you and have no idea what your skills or interests are. I will give you pointers as to how to start though. Yes, you can do your research, read other people’s blog posts and watch You tube to see what the trending topics are, how to make your posts go viral, etc. Has what has been said or written about resonated with you. You tell me? How can there be one formula that works when there are so many variables? I’m asking a question, that doesn’t mean that the information isn’t valuable. Think about what information may be beneficial to you.

By no means an expert; I can only draw on my own experience. What I do know is that to be successful and credible at any art you need to be very creative, passionate and true to yourself regardless of what others, think, say or do. You can’t please everybody, and you shouldn’t try too. Your personality should shine through. It is your ability to engage with your readership/audience that will make your posts popular, regardless of whether the subject that you’re writing about is trending. No this doesn’t mean that you can just write about random stuff necessarily either. If you feel a subject happens to be timely it is more likely to garner interest. There needs to be a balance.
Many people write blogs focusing on limited subjects; some create more varied posts. Try what you are comfortable with of the two. When you find a formula that you feel is working stick to it. Do you have a target audience? Who are they? Do some research, how can you attract them to what you are writing. If your target audience happens to be your peers, find out what’s happening in their lives, what do they want to happen in their lives, where are their favourite holiday destinations and why, what music are they listening to, where are the best places to get certain types of food in a particular city. These people are potentially your audience, tap into what they are interested in, is this something that you have a shared interest in, is this something that you know nothing about but are curious, research it? Document your journey.

Whenever you get a post idea, consider documenting it as a list, with some thoughts that you have at the time (to remind yourself what direction you were going in, yes this could change and that’s OK, as could the title). Occasionally add notes underneath, do this often enough and you will always have the makings of a potential blog/video to tap in to. Whatever environment you’re in if it’s convenient, take photos of things that interest you. They could be married up with your posts later.
There will be times when you just don’t feel like blogging. It is up to you whether you chose to post for the sake of posting or not. Make this the topic of your next blog ‘Staying Motivated’ or whatever. There isn’t a right or wrong with regards to posting even when you’re not feeling it, if your content is of the same high standard. What I will say that is this if this is happening over a longer period, it may be time to let your readers/viewers know that there will be a hiatus. Everyone needs a break. Hopefully they will relate and continue to support you when you come back.
Next post, makes/ideas for the Gwen and Bert’s Attic retail shop opening in 2020?
Look out for Gwen and Bert’s Attic on Insta, Pinter and Facebook. What have we been getting up to - check out Gwen and Bert’s Attic Adventures on Insta and Pinter, it’s not all work and no play? Thanks for reading!