This staying home is dragging on, anyone tempted to grow a unibrow just for kicks? My tash is growing in nicely. Many of us were beginning to go stir crazy. You know things are bad when I start thinking about things to iron. I don’t enjoy ironing, I don’t find it relaxing, meditative or anything. To be avoided at all costs, according to me. Cautiously we start to go out into the world where we can and begin to experience what it has to offer once again; albeit a limited experience.
This period has given many of us the time to reevaluate our lives, our wants, our needs, and that’s a good thing.

I’ve found myself thinking less about myself and more about others as I’ve heard news reports, youtubers insights, a customer with whom I had a short interaction with from another country. I try to remind myself how lucky many of us are and am often humbled by the acts of kindness that I have witnessed and will hopefully continue to witness and saddened by the selfishness that I've also witnessed. This isn't the easiest of times and it's interesting to see versions of people good and bad because of that. Patience required.
What have I been doing to get through this? Catching up with friends and family by phone, email etc., enjoying completing small projects around my home, being creative. Like so many I have also thrown myself into putting as much effort into working from home as I can. Fortunately, there are many roles for me to fill, photographer, writer, editor, buyer, social media expert. The list goes on. Some of this I have little experience in, but that doesn’t stop me. Who doesn’t like a challenge? I have been honing my photo editing skills and would like to work on video editing some more. You tube has been an invaluable source of helpful, informative and downright entertaining videos…Patricia Bright, Chakits Krusalwat, Kev Hicks, Karen Britchick, Fashion Steele Nyc, Etsy Entrepreneur, Nancy Badillo, Texas Treasures, thank you. To stay motivated, I’ve tried to make work fun/interesting, or my version of fun/interesting anyway. Missing the getting out there interacting with others and shopping part of my work though. Online shopping though popular is just not the same. I enjoy interacting with people, seeing products in the flesh appreciating their colour, texture, qualities, those things are hard to convey online. You don’t really get to enjoy those personal interactions working from home and the postman doesn’t have time for a chat. Just joking. Occasionally have a chat with the neighbours from afar, usually end up sitting in my doorway which I don’t mind. Feeling sorry for myself, not really. Just very aware of how isolating our lifestyles can be regardless of being in lock down. Prior to lock down, socializing was so important to me. And whilst I am missing it, lock down has focused my mind and helped me to better appreciate and work on my priorities. Health and Happiness.

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